
Want to book your first lesson? Have a question?

The quickest way to reach me is to give me a call on 07837 203 578. My phone is always on “silent” while I’m teaching so if I miss your call please leave a voicemail or send me a text and I’ll ring you back. I’ll reply as soon as I can if you send me a message using the form below or email me at [email protected].

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    Random Testimonial

    • “If you’re at all nervous or hesitant when it comes to driving, Neil’s the man you need to get you through your test. He’s extremely patient and has a way of putting you at ease; even in the most harrowing of driving situations. He’s clearly very experienced and is full of all sorts of tips and techniques that make even the most complex manoeuvres seem simple. Absolutely top bloke – couldn’t have asked for a better instructor. Looking forward to booking my Pass Plus with Neil very soon.”

      ~ Jonathan Miller, Bradford
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